Mon portfolio

Michaël ROCHE


À propos de moi

I am a French frontend developer located in Gothenburg, Sweden.

I have more than 20 years of experience in software development, I started with the backend with (ASP, dotnet MVC) then FrontEnd. I have 6 years of experience in building Vue.js web applications, I started developing the frontend with jQuery from 2010, then I switched to Angular 1 and in 2016 I definitely switched to Vue .js. I have 5 years of experience as a lead developer, working closely with stakeholders to understand business requirements and help translate them into technical requirements for the development team. Planning and documenting of technical specifications. Design, build and configure applications to meet business process and application requirements. Manage the development team in the design, development, coding, testing and debugging of applications. Write testable, scalable and efficient code and conduct code reviews. Define the best practices to be used within the team and ensure that they apply these practices.

Since 2013, I have volunteered in the IT team of the Coopérative La Louve (food cooperative located in Paris), we develop and maintain the website of the member area (vue.js/node.js/bulma/mogodb/docker).


Les technologies sur lesquelles je me forme actuellement :

Prochainement, je suivrai la formation Développement Web & Mobile au Reacteur afin de perfectionner mes connaissances et d'apprendre de nouvelles technologies :

